Sunday food ideas #4

Hey there, today I want to share one way of eating tomato that is not really a super-inovative-no-one-thought-about-this-ever kind of idea.

However this is such a nice, tasty and healthy way of eating tomato that I wanted to share it. And perhaps it’s a nice one to try if you haven’t before, or a reminder if you’re out of ideas.

Tomato slices with fresh cheese, seasoned with olive oil and oregano

Have a nice sunday! 🍅

Night beauty routine

I struggle a little with my skin, since it’s prone to acne and blackheads. Although sometimes I just can’t avoid those little bastards, I try to prevent them as much as possible. One of the ways I accomplish that is by having a skin cleansing routine, which is super important.

Kind of related tip: I use make-up remover towels before I do my workouts, because when you workout and sweat your pores can clog, and we definitely don’t want that. However, sometimes I forget to do this, and then I go around beating my head against the walls (jk). Anyway not many people know about this and even put on makeup to go to the gym, so I wanted to let you know.

Here are the steps I take before going to bed (products I use pictured):

  • First I wash my face with a facial cleansing gel: I use a very simple and unexpensive (although nice)one, it has glycerine on it and is water based, so that it’s not much agressive to the skin. I wash my face with this at night and morning, 2 times a day.

  • After the washing I remove the eye makeup with makeup remover towels, usually I rip them in half so they last longer, besides I really don’t need to use a whole one, since my daily eye makeup consists on basically mascara.
  • The third step is to apply a face tonic, and this is something I started doing recently and I’ve noticed that it really helps with oil control, although keep in mind that it will dry your skin. I have a combination skin type, which means that some parts of my face get super dry, and others (T zone) oilier, which means I have to be extra careful with those dry parts so that I can do the oil control thing on the others.

  • After I let tonic dry, I apply my yves rocher anti-aging eye serum;
  • Now one of the most important steps: moisturizing. Mine is specifically a night cream, from Nivea, it has regenerative properties and I usually apply a thicker layer on the drier parts of my skin, and also on my neck (never forget the neck!)
  • Last but not least I apply vaseline on my lips to prevent peeling, this is a super important step when winter comes because they dry immensely.
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So this is it, have a nice Friday and don’t forget your skin care!
Hasta 😗

Sunday food ideas #3: dry fruits

Hello there!

This Sunday I wish to tell you about incorporating these little fellas on your diet. But first I want to say that there are many dry fruits, and you can use any you like, but I’m usually all about almonds, walnuts, peanuts and cashews, although we’re aproaching chestnuts’ season, which I love but only eat like twice a year.

Anyways I must tell you that most of these (if not all) are superfoods, which means they have a huge amount of benefits for your health, altough they also have their good amount of calories so you should watch the amount you eat. About the benefits:

  • Almonds: super nutritious (vitamin E, Magnesium, protein and fiber filled…), also have antioxidants, they provide great assistance with blood sugar and blood pressure control (this makes them great snacks), it’s great for the heart because of the healthy fats it contains, and it’s also great for weightloss, since their ingestion reduces hunger, which is due to the high protein and fiber levels (also they’re low in carbs).
  • Walnuts: My mom is always telling me to eat them because word has it they’re great for the brain functions. Turns out she’s right, walnuts have “a number of neuroprotective compounds, including vitamin E, folate, melatonin, ómega-3 fats, and antioxidants. Research shows walnut consumption may support brain health, including increasing inferential reasoning in young adults”. They also have rare and powerful antioxidants as well as cancer-fighting properties (source).
  • Peanuts: which i mainly ingest in the form of butter, they have many nutrition similarities to almonds, but they also protect you against Alzheimer’s and age-related cognitive decline, as well as prevent gallstones (when consumed regularly of course).
  • Cashews: Again have many similarities with the other nuts’ benefits in heart health, blood pressure, antioxidants, weight control, although they’re also great for your bones’ health because of the magnesium high levels. On top of that they also prevent cancer, specifically colon cancer (proanthocyanidins and high copper).

How I incorporate them:

On pasta. In this case with tuna, flemish cheese and oregano (walnuts)

I also add walnuts to lettuce and tomato salad on a regular basis, although I don’t think I have photo of it.

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Almonds with oatmeal = perfection, my favourite way to eat them

I always have almonds nearby because both them and cashews are my favourites to just take a handful and eat with nothing else as a snack. And I add them with yoghurt, somtimes grated.

Peanuts: whole grain toasts with peanut butter and fruit or fruit jams

…or with peanut butter only, it’s so damn good 😁

Have a nice Sunday everyone!