Comeback and Sunday Strudel

Hello there,

So you might have noticed that I abandoned this blog for like a year and a half. A lot has happened in the meantime, I went through some hardships, I finished law school, started my master’s, and last July I moved back to my hometown to write my thesis. I’m still adapting to all the changes and pretty soon I expect to start working, and I’d like to have a structured habit of posting, because I really enjoy writting and sharing my lifestyle with you.

That said I should state that I changed imensely:

  • I started meditating and with that practice I revolutionized my whole perspective on life, so I expect I’ll write a bit about that too, because the world would definitely be a better place if we all had this amazing habit 🙏🏻
  • I visited 5 absolutely beautiful cities in 3 beautiful european countries (London, Sevilla, Vigo, Florence and Rome) ✈️
  • I reconciled with my drawing talent, and have a sort of collage illustration project going on (shoutout to dat instagram) 🎨
  • Successfully managed to implement some much needed minimalism in my life: truth is I couldn’t keep with the capsule wardrobe practice, however, I’m buying less and more quality clothes than ever – I’m not sure if it was age or meditation that did the trick, but I buy a lot less in general and I feel the need to declutter every season (and I have) 🏞
  • I bought a dslr camera (finally!) and at last I’m pursuing my enthusiasm with photography. So, you know, pics in here definitely getting better too  📷


Thank you for being on that side,

See you soon 💋

Sunday food ideas #5

Hey there,

So I haven’t posted here for a long time, however I feel like I can comeback now.

Today I bring you specifically a dessert idea, that’s actually pretty popular: fruit with peanut butter.

The benefits of peanut butter (natural, please) were explained here, and they mean that it’s an awesome and healthy topping, nevertheless, you shouldn’t go crazy with he quantity.

Well, let’s see some examples, shall we?


Apple slices with peanut butter and cinnamon
Banana with peanut butter blueberries and cinnamon on top

I guess I don’t have to state how much I adore cinnamon either. Anyways, this idea is extendable to basically any fruit you’d like to get creative with, so go crazy on invention 🍴😵

Have an amazing Sunday everyone 💋


Sunday food ideas #4

Hey there, today I want to share one way of eating tomato that is not really a super-inovative-no-one-thought-about-this-ever kind of idea.

However this is such a nice, tasty and healthy way of eating tomato that I wanted to share it. And perhaps it’s a nice one to try if you haven’t before, or a reminder if you’re out of ideas.

Tomato slices with fresh cheese, seasoned with olive oil and oregano

Have a nice sunday! 🍅

Sunday food ideas #3: dry fruits

Hello there!

This Sunday I wish to tell you about incorporating these little fellas on your diet. But first I want to say that there are many dry fruits, and you can use any you like, but I’m usually all about almonds, walnuts, peanuts and cashews, although we’re aproaching chestnuts’ season, which I love but only eat like twice a year.

Anyways I must tell you that most of these (if not all) are superfoods, which means they have a huge amount of benefits for your health, altough they also have their good amount of calories so you should watch the amount you eat. About the benefits:

  • Almonds: super nutritious (vitamin E, Magnesium, protein and fiber filled…), also have antioxidants, they provide great assistance with blood sugar and blood pressure control (this makes them great snacks), it’s great for the heart because of the healthy fats it contains, and it’s also great for weightloss, since their ingestion reduces hunger, which is due to the high protein and fiber levels (also they’re low in carbs).
  • Walnuts: My mom is always telling me to eat them because word has it they’re great for the brain functions. Turns out she’s right, walnuts have “a number of neuroprotective compounds, including vitamin E, folate, melatonin, ómega-3 fats, and antioxidants. Research shows walnut consumption may support brain health, including increasing inferential reasoning in young adults”. They also have rare and powerful antioxidants as well as cancer-fighting properties (source).
  • Peanuts: which i mainly ingest in the form of butter, they have many nutrition similarities to almonds, but they also protect you against Alzheimer’s and age-related cognitive decline, as well as prevent gallstones (when consumed regularly of course).
  • Cashews: Again have many similarities with the other nuts’ benefits in heart health, blood pressure, antioxidants, weight control, although they’re also great for your bones’ health because of the magnesium high levels. On top of that they also prevent cancer, specifically colon cancer (proanthocyanidins and high copper).

How I incorporate them:

On pasta. In this case with tuna, flemish cheese and oregano (walnuts)

I also add walnuts to lettuce and tomato salad on a regular basis, although I don’t think I have photo of it.

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Almonds with oatmeal = perfection, my favourite way to eat them

I always have almonds nearby because both them and cashews are my favourites to just take a handful and eat with nothing else as a snack. And I add them with yoghurt, somtimes grated.

Peanuts: whole grain toasts with peanut butter and fruit or fruit jams

…or with peanut butter only, it’s so damn good 😁

Have a nice Sunday everyone!

Sunday food ideas #2: The importance of breakfast

Good Morning and have an amazing Sunday :)!

This week is in its last hours and with the start of a new one, I’d like to talk about the importance of breakfast. Everyone heard about it before, people actually say that it’s the most important meal of the day. So why so many people neglect this meal?

Well for starters, most people have crazy schedules and can’t really find the time, or when they wake up they’re just not hungry at all. Anyways you should always eat breakfast despite those conditions, hence the solutions:

  • 1) If you don’t have the time, get up 10-15 minutes earlier;
  • 2) If you’re not hungry right now, prepare it and take it with you to your job/school, and when you have a break eat it.

Truth is, this is about discipline too.

“Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make weight control more difficult. Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal, or nibble on high-calorie snacks to stave off hunger.” source: webmd

I’ll leave you with a pic of my breakfast today, and some other breakfast ideas

Fitness cereal with low sugar and low fat yoghurt and banana slices. I also had a cup of coffee, although not pictured.
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Oatmeal with fruit
Whole grain toasts with turkey ham and fructose only jelly, a latte and a bowl of peach with blueberries
A whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana slices and horsetail tea

Sunday food ideas #1

Hello there,

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend as much as I am. Today I decided to start a new segment of this blog, every Sunday I’ll be basically sharing some ideas that I’ve adopted/had to make your food tastier/healthier and cool healthy recipes too.

Ok with that being said, today I’ll give you a very simple idea: pumpkin rice. Basically when you make rice, join some pumpkin, cut it un cubes and let it boil with the rice. It’s delicious and it doesn’t take much work, you just have to cut it and join and it doesn’t take more time to boil than the rice.

Example of pumpkin rice with egg whites omelette


A lot of people have doubts when it comes to the food that they should be eating before their workout (a couple of hours before obviously). Well the answer is definitly carbs, in fact if you’re trying to lose weight, you should ingest most of your carbs in this situation. But they’re not just any carbs, only whole grain and whole weat. In my case I usually make some oatmeal with fruit and dark chocolate.

In this one I also used dried apple with cinnamon. YUM

Sometimes I also make whole grain bread toasts with peanut butter, like these:

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I usually workout in the afternoon, around 6 pm, so I usually make this my afternoon snack. After you workout you should ingest protein so that your muscles can grow and define, when I finish it’s almost dinner time, so I eat a good amount after it.

Until next time, keep going*