
A lot of people have doubts when it comes to the food that they should be eating before their workout (a couple of hours before obviously). Well the answer is definitly carbs, in fact if you’re trying to lose weight, you should ingest most of your carbs in this situation. But they’re not just any carbs, only whole grain and whole weat. In my case I usually make some oatmeal with fruit and dark chocolate.

In this one I also used dried apple with cinnamon. YUM

Sometimes I also make whole grain bread toasts with peanut butter, like these:

DSC01904 toats1

I usually workout in the afternoon, around 6 pm, so I usually make this my afternoon snack. After you workout you should ingest protein so that your muscles can grow and define, when I finish it’s almost dinner time, so I eat a good amount after it.

Until next time, keep going*