Sunday food ideas #2: The importance of breakfast

Good Morning and have an amazing Sunday :)!

This week is in its last hours and with the start of a new one, I’d like to talk about the importance of breakfast. Everyone heard about it before, people actually say that it’s the most important meal of the day. So why so many people neglect this meal?

Well for starters, most people have crazy schedules and can’t really find the time, or when they wake up they’re just not hungry at all. Anyways you should always eat breakfast despite those conditions, hence the solutions:

  • 1) If you don’t have the time, get up 10-15 minutes earlier;
  • 2) If you’re not hungry right now, prepare it and take it with you to your job/school, and when you have a break eat it.

Truth is, this is about discipline too.

“Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make weight control more difficult. Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal, or nibble on high-calorie snacks to stave off hunger.” source: webmd

I’ll leave you with a pic of my breakfast today, and some other breakfast ideas

Fitness cereal with low sugar and low fat yoghurt and banana slices. I also had a cup of coffee, although not pictured.
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Oatmeal with fruit
Whole grain toasts with turkey ham and fructose only jelly, a latte and a bowl of peach with blueberries
A whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana slices and horsetail tea